Our Values

We believe in the positive power in each human being. We have every confidence in the ability of each person to succeed. We help you to find that confidence and develop it further.

"Sawubona!" - "I see you, you are important to me and I appreciate you." - Zulu greeting.
For us, every one of us is a human being. There is no need for labels. You are you, with all your potential. We see you and welcome you!

Everyone has the potential to decide to change, to transition through change and transformation theirs and others lives. We help people and organisations to discover what needs to change and why and to develop the motivation and volition to go through that change.

We believe in the positive power in each human being and therefore in the fantastic synergised power of well functioning teams. We win and we loose together. Co-creation and agile working methods is what makes us drive.

Trust and confidentiality
For us, every one of us is a human being, therefore we trust in everyone's good purpose and honesty. Every person deserves to be treated with respect and honesty. We build an atmosphere in which our clients have the trust in our confidentiality. The Evolving Zone is a safe and reliable zone.

Integrity and Honesty
We are honest to ourselves and towards every single person - client or other. We adhere to honesty as one of the highest values we uphold to. Trusts and confidentiality can only be build on the grounds of honesty and respecting, upholding and living our values.

We will always make decisions according to what is best for our clients. This means, that we see the relationship with our clients as a cooperation in which me meet eye-to-eye. In case we see, that we are not the best suited partner for a client, we will make sure, that the client receives the best possible service in our partnership network.

Towards other coaching and consultancy companies we seek cooperation rather than competition. We are humble and honest regarding our capacity to deliver our expertise.

Although there is no mainstream definition for Happiness that applies for all of us, we seek to find happiness and help our clients to find it on the terms of their own definition.

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfilment. It is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.

Fun and humor
When we have fun with something, we can reach the state of FLOW - individually or as a team. Humor and fun at work do not need to be separated to be effective and efficient. On the contrary! We believe, that fun and humour at work will prolong the state of FLOW and let you and your staff reach longer periods of FLOW.

Respect and fairness
If you are part of this world, you have a value for the world and you deserve all my respect! We do not belief in labels. We strive to be free from discrimination and we think that everyone deserves to be treated with respect in a right and just manner.

This also means, that we see the world as a system in which we all are living and therefore it deserves to be treated with the same respect and fairness as a person. We commit ourselves to the highest possible standards of environmental protection and encourage our clients to do so as well.

Gratitude and Kindness
We appreciate you as a whole! We are thankful for the common path - be it be short or long - that we were allowed to share with you. We are thankful for all the resources given to us and all the help from partners, experts and our clients.

We are committed to show kindness in the way how we work and approach the client\'s situations. Empathy, acceptance, kind gestures, thoughtfulness, inclusion of other perspectives and doing what is best for our clients at all times are the basis of our work.