How people personally cope with disease and injuries – an example to follow
In the last couple of years, I have encountered different people dealing with physical difficulties. Either as a family member, a friend, or as coachees.
Every single one of them had her/ his own way how to cope with the adversities of life. However, a certain pattern is there when looking at all of them from a certain distance. Either people become grumpy and negative or they look at things in a positive way…literally looking at the bright side of life.
The story I want to tell you today is about Hildegard. As you know I live in Mannheim, we have a golden doodle named Luke, and every morning I go out on a hike or bike hike with him. There is one park on one of our routes that I visit with him once or twice a week. With the years you get to know the people walking with their own dogs and sometimes establish more than just casual relationships.

Well, Hildegard is one of those relationships that grew with the years, however, during the last months while the weather has been brutally hot for Germany, I have been going rather to the Neckar river shore, so I have not met her really since December. On Wednesday I finally met her and to my surprise, Kalle her dog, was not along and, she was using a rolling walker. At first, I did not recognize her, but when I did I felt first bad for her. We started chatting and it turned out, she was the same positive lovely Hildegard smiling at all times 85-year-old woman. She told how Kalle the dog was hit by a car in winter and passed away immediately, how she started having difficulties with her sense of balance while walking, due to a back injury that was irradiating to the left leg. While still smiling, she told me about all the maladies that had happened to her in the last times and then she showed at the rolling walker and literally said: “This is the best invention ever, I get to walk wherever and when I want. Do you know Erich, walking keeps me fit if I would not be able to walk, I most probably would die very soon. Can you imagine?” That comment there was the confirmation of one of my beliefs…
“One always has the power of decision on how one wants to see the world”
I can see the world with positive eyes or negative eyes. It will always be your decision. Please do not get me wrong, yes sometimes live tackles and hits you hard and you need a time to mourn, however also during that time, everyone of us can decide to look at least at certain things in a positive way. Hildegard has a husband lying in bed, she takes care of him at home, she losses her dog, her leg starts to hurt, then she losses her availability to keep in balance while walking, then she’s told to use a walking roller and then you meet her at 6:30 in the morning doing her usual walking rounds smiling and waving at everyone and telling her story in a positive way…now that is an example!
Hildegard and I departed our own ways after a 15-minute chat and I was not feeling bad for her…I was enthusiastic and amazed by her. She literally had lifted my spirits even more (I was having already a fantastic morning). And then she screamed from behind…”Erich, always keep moving and smiling!”
What shall I say. She’s made my week!

Erich is an experienced life + business coach. He has a track record of over 21 years in supporting staff and leadership in organizations, athletes, and private people in their efforts to enable changes in their lives.
He knows from his own experience how to ignite the passion in people, how to let people gain new perspectives, set new objectives, and follow through completion.
As a native speaker, Erich provides coaching in German and Spanish, as well as in English thanks to his more than 3 decades of experience working at the international level.
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