

Change is happening right now! Just open your door and you will see it. The question is:

Are you riding it or is it trampling on you?

Whether it is a major, medium-sized or smaller change endeavor, it needs experienced trainers and coaches to help staff responsible for the change projects to go through the different phases, to keep motivation, volition, and cohesion on a high level.

Our coaches and consultants can offer you from the following Change Management Methodologies portfolio what is best for your particular situation:

  • John Kotter Change Management Method
  • 7-S-Modell from McKinsey
  • ADKAR-Modell
  • Kübler-Ross Change Management Curve
  • Nudge-Theory Approach

Of course, all of them combined with the Agile and classic Project Management methodologies and the Transition Management Modell by Susann and William Bridges, which goes into the effect on people through a change process and how to manage it.

It is all about people!

With our combination of Transformation Consultancy Services and Systemic Coaching approach, we can offer a sound and round service for your change endeavor.

Contact us if you are seeking training, coaching, or consultancy for transformation.

Depending on the kind of service you require, we will make you a personalized offer.